Spinning Plates

So, you know what’s awesome about being a mom? As soon as you get one child, life event or general area of concern situated; another one falls apart. It’s awesome. It’s what I like to call spinning plates. You’ve all seen that guy/gal that starts one plate spinning—everyone claps. Then they get the second one going—people are impressed. By the time the third plate is up and spinning, the crowd is going wild! It’s a delicate balance–the plate spinner runs in between each plate giving it a little attention so it won’t come crashing to the ground. They have to quickly and carefully judge which plate is in need of the most assistance (read: closest to crashing and breaking). Sound familiar?

If you have multiple children, or even one child and a life, you are probably spinning plates all day long. You have to assess who is in what state of need and how you can continue to keep all of your plates spinning without anyone crashing to the ground. Except, unlike our friend the professional plate spinner, none of us have ever been trained in this art. And, most of us really don’t like it.


You know exactly what I’m talking about. You have one child struggling in school. You start spinning. You dedicate extra time to help them. Maybe you find them a tutor? You build up their ability and confidence. Then, slowly, but, surely they start spinning all on their own. They figure it out. You are proud and happy and feel like you may actually be doing something right in this parenting game. But, look out, plate number two is starting to wobble and you’d better get over there!

Plate number two could be another child, an issue at work, your parents—you name it! The point is, you didn’t even get to enjoy the one plate spinning before you were off to the next trying to prevent it from falling. You’re running form plate to plate, they are all barely spinning and no one is applauding you—AT ALL.

This is the trouble with motherhood. There are so many plates and very rarely do you ever get a chance to sit back and enjoy watching them spin. It can be overwhelming. It can be frustrating. It can also be fun, humorous and fulfilling. Unfortunately, you usually only get to the latter after you’ve been through the former. So, you have to live through the running around, the spinning, the sweating, the self-doubt, the cursing (don’t judge, I have a lot of plates), before you get to the part where you realize your plates are ok. They may have wobbled a bit; you may have thought you were going to loose a few along the way, but you managed to keep them all spinning.

So, while this carnival side-show is definitely not for everyone, some of us were meant to do just this. This is where we shine. It usually doesn’t feel like it. Usually, it feels like a lot of doubt, uncertainty and wishful thinking. But, the plates are still spinning, right? Sometimes that has to be the achievement. Because lots of people couldn’t even get one of those things started and look how many you’ve got up and relatively stable. So, while you’re running from plate to plate, give yourself some credit. You’re still running, you’re not giving up and you haven’t let anyone fall and crash yet.

So, my plate spinning mamas, know you are not alone. You’ve got this. This side show is a wild ride and you wouldn’t be starring in it unless you could handle it. Even if most days it’s without the applause, the adoring fans and the high praise—you are a star! One day, your audience will look back and realize your talent; they’ll appreciate your dedication to your craft. They may even ask for a revival. But, don’t do that—this show is only around for one run—thank God!