Hello my friends! I really wanted to get this whole page re-vamped and ready before launching new content, but alas, we are quite literally in drastic times. So, in solidarity with all of the other mothers who have been unwillingly cast into the role of teacher, 24-hour referee, entertainment director and full-time breakfast, lunch and dinner lady—I’m going to wing it and just move forward!
I really wanted to change up some of the elements on the posts, get the inbox option fully working, etc., but I also wanted my children and my husband to leave my home every day for at least six hours, so this is an exercise in working with what we’ve got.
And what have we got? It seems we have a lot of uncertainty, quite a few people in harm’s way and another handful of people that think we’ve developed a European PTO policy and have just all decided to take a few extra weeks off. No matter what your family’s situation, the truth of it is that it’s going to be hard. It’s hard for people no matter how big or small to break from their routines. Uncertainty causes stress for almost everyone I know. So, no matter what you’re feeling, you’re probably right.
What can we do? Well, we can try to do whatever we can to make ourselves and our people feel better. If that includes eating raw cookie dough or starting each school day with a mimosa, then so be it! I’m going to try and consume as much positive media as possible, watch the funniest stuff I can get my hands on and become a curator of the best quarantine memes I can possibly find—because I like to laugh.
I will also most certainly be utilizing airport rules and drinking based on my mood, not the time of day. I will attempt to find new and interesting ways to spend time with my family, even though 90% of the time that leads to someone crying (see previous reference to lifted drinking restrictions). I will continue to reach out in solidarity to my fellow mamas who are all in this with me and continuously remind me that if I’ve done nothing else right in life, I’ve amassed a group of amazing friends.
So, take heart mamas—the good news is no one has ever done this before, at least not in our lifetime—so NO ONE can tell us we’re doing it wrong. Whether it brings you joy to clean out your bathroom drawers or binge watch all of Outlander—congratulations, you’re doing it right! Reach out (virtually) to friends as much as you can, try to find joy in the little things—like not having to dry your hair if you don’t feel like it and for the love of all that is holy, don’t attempt to follow your normal house rules. Nothing about this is normal, so if your kids stay up late, eat too many snacks or become professional gamers by the time this over—it’s OK.
Repeat after me—“It’s OK!!” This is not for the rest of our lives, it’s a brief stop on our journey– like when you had a bad perm or overindulged in the white eyeliner trend. We don’t live here, we’re just visiting. So, let’s make the most of our stay—let’s give ourselves permission to do as much or as little as makes sense that day and then promptly move on to the next. And most importantly, let’s be kind to one another but especially kind to OURSELVES. In case no one told you, you’re the best quarantine mom your kids have ever had! Hang tough ladies, all of us may not thrive, but we will all survive!
During this difficult time, it’s easy to focus on all of the things that…
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